Wednesday 22 November 2017

IDER - Body Love

This week I was featured on the instagram account of the London based electronic duo band Ider. Their recently released song Body Love has been at the front of my mind since I first heard it, so making an illustration in response to it was inevitable. The difference this time was that I wanted this work to exist outside my own portfolio and maybe find a place to exist in the real world, connected to the music that inspired it.
I emailed the band’s manager and she was kind enough to get back to me and send the image on to the band. I don’t know if anything more could arise from this interaction, but it does feel exciting and progressive to start to reach out to these people and find some of them are excited to see your work as well. The illustration was featured on their instagram, and they have my name now, so hopefully I can send some more work their way when the time is right and I have a few more ideas in response to their music.

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