Wednesday 9 December 2015

Temple Newsam Field Trip

I am happy with the drawings I completed while on my field trip as I tried to sit down and draw every time I came to a new or interesting area on my walk. I took a lot more photos as I wanted to get around temple Newsam while it was still light and get enough material to make some roughs out of, but I'll go again with just my sketchbook go focus more on drawing my environment. I think these drawings are a good starting point for the work I want to make in the final book, as I think they illustrate the sequence of my walk as I did stop and draw them every so often while I was going. Im quite sure I'll be using a concertina format for my book so this idea of a journey through the woods lends itself to that, as the background doesn't have to be broken up and can stretch across multiple pages. These drawings are quite sketchy and unrefined because I was fighting against the weather to draw them, so as the project goes on I'll be refining them using my reference photographs.