Wednesday 30 September 2015

Observational Drawing OUIL404

These are observations I did whilst out in Leeds City centre, so i tried to focus them more on people and life rather than still images of architecture. Through this task I learned that to improve with this style of drawing I should stop making choices that make the image look "better" and simply translate the basics of what is in front of me. I very much enjoyed this exercise and I already feel it is helping me break away from any predetermined ideas I had about drawing and observational drawing in particular as I tried different methods of mark making during this task to achieve the goal of translating what we saw. 

Observational Drawing OUIL404

These are the observational drawings I completed whilst within Leeds University Campus, so I chose to focus on architecture primarily, and the smaller aspects of the landscape that go unnoticed, such as plant life and discarded rubbish. In the future to improve my skills in this task I will try  to capture a crowd to illustrate the life a group of people can give to a space. 

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Something I discovered

Something You Discovered
When on one of our massive walks through the countryside surrounding Leeds, we came across a series of empty shotgun shells eerily laid on the ground in a forest. When I kicked one by mistake it hissed and I thought the whole thing was going to explode and gave what I've been told was an unearthly shriek. I chose to illustrate a comical exaggeration of what might've happened in that situation had I not leapt a mile upon contact with our discovery.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Summer Brief: Something That Tasted Good
In preparation for student life I have largely lived this summer saving odd change and using it to buy egg fried rice for short bursts of energy and general happiness. Although exaggeration is the theme of my brief, this representation of the amount I've eaten is probably somewhat an understatement.
Summer Brief: Something Scary
I have watched a considerable amount of deep sea documentaries this summer in an attempt to overcome my irrational fear of the deep sea and everything that lives in it. However all this strategy has managed to do is fill my mind with more detailed information on the things that terrify me, allowing me to visualise nightmarish situations such as this.
Summer Brief: Something That Made You Happy
Out of my series of comically exaggerated responses to this brief, this is most likely the least exaggerated, as I really was overtly happy following watching Comic Con this year, as it is a giant celebration of everything I love.
Summer Brief: Something You Wore
For this piece rather than thinking of the best thing I wore, I found more comical opportunity in exploring the worst thing I wore, which was hands down a promotional far too large Carling shirt and far too small Superman lounge pants when staying at my friends house. I also saw opportunity for an amusing implied narrative with the characters of the 'Fashion Police' penalising me for my crimes.
Summer Brief: Something You Heard
This piece is an exaggerated view of my truly unhinged experience seeing Limp Bizkit, particularly the song Break Stuff, live this year at Leeds Festival. This was my first idea for the brief and I modelled all my other ideas as comical exaggerations of my actual experiences to create a narrative/comic feel to my response to the brief as a whole

Summer Brief :Somewhere Where You Found Yourself

Summer Brief: Somewhere You Found Yourself
• A largely hidden field and a creek we discovered in the summer (which we aptly named Shimmy Point) where the only method across is to shimmy over an old fence, whereupon it couldn't take my weight and I fell into the water. I found myself to be an idiot.
Summer Brief: Something You Have Been Thinking About
•The return of Star Wars to cinemas and my life

Saturday 26 September 2015

Skottie Young Venom Variant Cover Analysis

Skottie Young
Venom issue 24 Spider-Man 50th Anniversary variant cover
•one in a series of variant covers celebrating the 50th anniversary of Spider-Man
•the Venom symbiote bonds with various characters throughout its publication history and each host character brings a different aspect to Venom as a whole. Right now in the comics venom is comprised of the symbiote and it's host Flash Thompson, an ex soldier who lost his legs in the war in the Middle East and bonded to the symbiote becoming a black ops agent under SHIELD for the Secret Avengers, and recently joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. He is a mostly heroic protagonist. However at the time of this issues publication venom was bonded to his original host, Eddie Brock, a violent thug who brings out the savagery in Venom, and villainous hatred for Spider-Man. This image represents a return to that character archetype for Venom through it's exaggerated musculature and wild animalistic expression.

•loose doodle styled line work
•conveys movement and a sense of dynamics
•no human facial expressions used but still personal and comical
•plays with impossible scale to create an image devoid of realism
•exaggerated bodily features are often present in Skottie Youngs work

•conveys the wild savage nature of the character of venom
•also conveys the relationship between the two characters, venoms savage obsession with spider-man and spider-man's confusion and general indifference to Venoms advances
•the imagery of the cake points to the anniversary of the character and a wider celebration performed by various comic artists at the time